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Cedral C52 Click Cladding - Poole

​Poole, Dorset


This property in Poole originally featured rendered walls. As you can see from our before pictures, it was now looking in a tired state. Rather than repairing, this homeowner has decided to upgrade to Cedral Click cladding. Not only will their home benefit from the newly added curb appeal they will also gain the insulation benefits of a professionally cladded home.

Firstly, a waterproof membrane was pinned to the wall. On top of this, treated timber battens were equally spaced out ready for the new Cedral Click cladding boards. Even though the timbers are treated, strip membrane was added to the timbers for added weather protection. Perforated trims were added to help with ventilation and to protect against insects and vermin.

Colour coded profiles were added ready to receive the new cladding boards. Starting from the bottom, our Cedral Select Installers started cloaking the property in Cedral C52, pearl. Now completed, this Poole property looks fantastic!

Want your home to look this good? Why not book in our surveyor to quote your property? 01202 470044

Case Studies
White Cladding Installation - Barton on Sea
Cladding, Windows, Doors and Roofline - Wimborne
Cedral C52 Click Cladding - Poole

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